Windows Phone Sees Biggest Market Share Gain Yet, Overtakes BlackBerry

Its biggest gain yet.

Are you guys ready for some of the best news to date? Well, according to the latest market share report by HitsLink, Windows Phone made a phenomenal progress in Q1, 2013 and this is how the results look like:

As seen in the chart above, Windows Phone saw its biggest gain yet, 0.26 point increase in just one month while in last 3 months, WP market share grwy by almost 50%. And that’s supposed to be a period of “slow growth” for every manufacturer.

With Nokia introducing Lumia 520, 620 and 720 to more markets, we should see at lest 5% market share by the year’s end.

And yes, we just overtook BlackBerry!

Next stop: Symbian.

Stay tuned.

  • Wong Løng – 王梁

    Hooray for Microsoft. :-D